Hey hun,

My name is Victoria and I am a Manchester based qualified personal stylist, as well as a product director at a leading online fashion brand.
I want to help you fall back in love with fashion and show you how the clothes you wear can inspire confidence and give you an all round feeling of well-being.


For 15 years I have been totally absorbed in the world of clothes and commercial female fashion. Whilst taking a year off on maternity leave, and not having to get dressed up to go to a fashion office each day, I suddenly realised how clothes have empowered me daily and could really lift my mood. That’s when I started to train to become a personal stylist.

During my maternity leave I began to realise that there are so many women out there who feel utterly lost when it comes to dressing. So many life situations impact how we feel about our clothes, from having children, to loosing or gaining weight, getting divorced or simply not having time for ourselves, the list is endless. I really want to help everyone to understand how uplifting it can feel when the clothes you wear make you feel fabulous.

From wardrobe edits, personal shops, event styling and total style journey, my aim is to cleanse what you currently have in your wardrobe and really identify your body shape and style personality. You can then truly understand what clothes will work for you and suit the reality of your lifestyle requirements. As a starting point I like to work with what you already own, before adding in anything new. The most sustainable wardrobe is definitely the one you already own.

By using me as your ‘go to style guru’ I will save you both time and money. You will no longer stare into the depths of you wardrobe wearing the same 20% everyday and you will no longer waste money on panic buying at the last possible moment for every event.

Fashion is wellness and getting dressed and feeling good about it is self care.

“Styld. is more than a personal styling service, it’s a feeling that starts with you.”